1 John 4:7. Love One Another . Contributed by Lito Sacatropiz 


1 John 4:7

Dear friends, let us love one another,S 1Jn 3:11 for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God Jn 1:13 and knows God.


The book of 1 John has almost 40 times the Love. And from our text 1 John 4:7 is a part of it. Some students here at the Bible College don’t had burden to their brethren in Christ. They are making competition and misrepresentation to everybody. I can’t expect from this kind of Bible School a servant of God hatred to each other. One day my room mate did not understand me for what I am referred to him and in a few moment He paunch me and my ego was affected. I went to revenged during that time but Thanks God for given me the fruit of self-control. Another case at this Bible college misunderstand my ideas and they told me that something “mediocre”oh No!! my heart was in troubled. For the seek I can’t hurt him I went to a cool place or a mango tree. Some Christian we can’t understand their attitudes and behaviors. Some Christians don’t think about their actions. And some Christian become stumbling block. By the way we are not serving God to accept their honor to give pleasure to our self. It is our task to minister to God for the seek of our God.”LOVE ONE ANOTHER.” I would like to emphasize this phrase. John want to be a lovable person and want to accepted all Christian even many of them had many failures. By the way I just want to give some three points to remember for all Christian all over the world. Remember we are all united by Christ to serve to the Father and to worship Him. This three points is very easy like ABC.


We have one faith and one God.

From these faith friends of Christ is the same faith to you.Some say that I want to serve God but I hate my Brother in Christ or “Lord I want to serve you but I hate them.”No brother!!!Don’t do that because even God hated that kind of attitude. Practice to accept other Christian and do your part to encourage them to chance their behaviors if they are out of the sun. Maybe you yourself is the problem. You want to be introvert and do not allow others to motivate you or you want to be a self-centered person. Brother in Christ we need other people for our improvement. How we can grow up without the concern of others? We can’t say to our self I am matured enough without relationship to others.How come Brother?God want us to be friendly and to love our enemies. God’s loves you so that we had also the opportunity to Love others.We are one faith and very soon in heaven we will meet there and we will live with for eternity then we must practice ourself to be with them even they are the people unlovable and gives you many problems. We must become a forgiver and forgotter from the past event. One faith and one hope for the service of our king. Brethren exercise our fruit of Love. Another points to be remember is another privilege to have friends.


We have one foundation and this foundation is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our foundation must be solid rock. Their was a song entitled Jesus is the Rock. We sang it with joy during our college night. Jesus is our rock and strong foundation or tower. Another thing is to be founded in Him with a solid theological competency. Our foundation will never break even strong thunderstorm comes or problems in our life.Brothers and Sisters in Christ remember our foundation in Christ as Christian. We have the same foundation in Christ so then their is no reason to hate our brethren in Christ.we are being united in foundation and of course we must be united church also to God.Faith and Foundation are the same to them and no one can escape the truth. They are our church mates and our God did not want church division. This church division was happened to corinthians church and don’t try be like them. God loves those churches with love and compassion to each others. We know we have individual differences and principle differences but it is our task to enlarge our understanding and acceptance to others.Yes God want you to stop your selfish attitudes yet God want you to be a friendly Christian. though different tribes, colors and languages, we must accept them.Another thing to remember as Christian is another step to be friendly.


Remember our future as children of God. There is a time we will meet our brothers and sisters in Christ above.We will have a great reunion and celebration there. God do not allow people to enter in heaven with a person full of hatred to their brothers. God do not now allow sin to manifest in heaven. Now it is a challenge for us to love our Brothers in Christ. Let us love them, encourage, lift up them and guide them in time of trials. We are all partners in the service of the king and we are all partners in God’s kingdom. don’t make your own world with full of hatred. Try to educate ourselves to cooperate others and to become extrovert. A people with many friends has many chances to survive when hardship of life manifest. This is our future my fellow Christian to be in heaven and to live in heaven for eternity to eternity. Heaven has millions of people love to each other and has pure life.

Remember these thing Brothers and Sisters in Christ 1 John 4: 7 “Love one Another.” These is our power to survive and these our chance to have many true friends.

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