Come join us on our mission of winning souls for God’s Kingdom! Through staging Gospel crusades across villages, we want to share the beauty and power of faith in Christ with those who may have not yet heard or experienced it. We are confident that everyone can be touched by Christ’s powerful message of salvation! So please join us on Our Next Crusade in August 22nd  – 30th 2024 In Tororo , Uganda.

We need $20,000 USD to stage and organize a successful evangelistic crusade  Crusade in August 22nd  – 30th 2024 In Tororo , Uganda. The investment in resources is large, but there is a greater reward in the lives changed by hearing the good news of Jesus Christ. In addition to this financial burden, it also requires bravery and dedication from those preparing and leading the crusade – often subjected to various challenges that may appear while introducing Christianity into an unfamiliar environment or culture. It is never easy breaking down long-established religious boundaries, but for us living out our faith, we do so with joy knowing we are taking part in God’s mission to reach all people with His love and truths.